Face Trace Recognition

OVERVIEW Face Trace Recognition The client needs a facial recognition system that works fast, accurately matches faces in real-time, and handles different image sizes well. We’ll use smart tech like deep learning to make sure it’s accurate and processes images quickly. The system will be set up to handle a lot of data and adjust to changing needs easily. It’ll …

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Architectural Map Generation using GANs

OVERVIEW Architectural Map Generation using GANs In response to the client’s need for diverse map image generation from complex architectural diagrams, we developed a solution using advanced machine learning techniques. The challenge lay in refining the dataset to remove unwanted objects and augmenting it to facilitate the creation of varied map images. By implementing a tailored solution, we aimed to …

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Cargo Counting System

OVERVIEW Cargo Counting System The client’s business involves managing shipyards where monitoring loading and unloading activities is crucial for operational efficiency and safety. To accomplish this, they installed multiple cameras across the shipyard premises. However, due to the diverse layout of the shipyards and the varying perspectives required for comprehensive monitoring, these cameras were placed at different locations and angles. …

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Gender Voice Recognition

OVERVIEW Gender Voice Recognition The client, a call center service provider, faced significant operational challenges due to a high volume of fake calls that disrupted workflow and threatened user safety. Without an effective means to filter these calls, both efficiency and security were compromised. To address this, we developed an AI-driven solution using voice recognition technology. This solution analyzes incoming …

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Traffic Violation Detection System

OVERVIEW Traffic Violation Detection System The Traffic Violation Detection System is designed to accurately identify and classify various types of traffic violations, such as helmet non-usage, red light running, overspeeding, and lane violations. It employs advanced computer vision algorithms and AI-based models to enhance accuracy and reliability in violation detection. The system aims to automate the monitoring and processing of …

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Intelligent Traffic Management System

OVERVIEW Intelligent Traffic Management System Traffic congestion presents a significant challenge, impacting urban mobility, productivity, and pollution levels. To address this, we have implemented innovative solutions like Green Waves and the Predictive Dashboard. Green Waves introduces adaptive and stacking signals, dynamically adjusting signal timings based on real-time traffic flow data to prioritize congested areas. The Predictive Dashboard utilizes historical data …

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Intelligent Financial Document Analysis with AI

OVERVIEW Intelligent Financial Document Analysis with AI The client required a platform for uploading and analyzing multiple financial documents, including private ones, efficiently. In response, we developed a user-friendly solution that automates document analysis, identifies content relevance, and maps relationships between documents. This streamlined process provides comprehensive reports and actionable insights, enhancing data security, streamlining document management, and enabling data-driven …

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E-Scooter Parking Management System Using AI

OVERVIEW E-Scooter Parking Management System Using AI The client, a micro-mobility company offering electric scooters, faced challenges with scooter parking, including unauthorized parking and inconsistent regulations across cities. Existing solutions like lock-based systems and navigation tools had limitations. To address these issues, we combined computer vision and machine learning to develop a solution. This solution included parking area detection using …

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Multi-Model GPT System for Diverse Data Inputs

OVERVIEW Multi-Model GPT System for Diverse Data Inputs Multi-Model GPT System operates similarly to ChatGPT but with a significant distinction, it integrates multiple AI models into one cohesive system. These include cloud models, Allama Index, OpenAI models, Google Pro, and various other large language models (LLMs). Some models are open-source and deployed on custom GPUs, while others are accessed via …

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AI-Powered Vehicle Inspection System

OVERVIEW AI-Powered Vehicle Inspection System In our solution, we leverage computer vision to automate the vehicle inspection process, ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and user satisfaction. By employing sophisticated image analysis techniques, automating image quality checks, and implementing real-time alerts, we provide a comprehensive solution to address the client’s challenges. Problem The client faced several challenges in their vehicle inspection and damage …

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